por culpa d la informatica conoci …
Por culpa d la informatica conoci a un amigo, pero tambien estoy pasando los dias mas amargos d mi vida x q me enamore d el y no m corresponde como yo quisiera
Mensaje de Amistad . |
Por culpa d la informatica conoci a un amigo, pero tambien estoy pasando los dias mas amargos d mi vida x q me enamore d el y no m corresponde como yo quisiera
Charlie 7:26 on 14 febrero 2012
A few fnireds and I were discussing Dia del Amigo the last week. In Argentina they say Dia del Amigo which is on an earlier date (I think the 19th), but in Paraguay it’s always been Dia de la Amistad . I know they may seem like the same thing, and in they they are. There’s just a regional variation that should be preserved IMHO. Bus back in the day we would say Feliz dia de la Amistad to our fnireds and classmates, them after school go out for a coca-cola and an empanada (back when the combo cost about mil’i, I miss the 90s!). In Argentina they say Feliz Dia del Amigo , not Dia de la Amistad and have had this pointed out to me be several Argentinos a few years ago while I was living there. I guess it’s like the Que los Cumple Feliz song, they have a different version in every country: In Paraguay there’s a line in the middle QLCF!, QLCF!, en ti dia dichoso.. QLCF! in Arg (Formosa to BsAs at least) en tu dia dichoso is replaced with que los cumple, que los cumpla